Welcome, Baker & Mckenzie Global Services travelers!

Through the relationship Baker & Mckenzie Global Services has with United, you have access to exclusive benefits when traveling for work.

Explore how to maximize your experience when flying with United.


Get the most out of your business travel with Baker & Mckenzie Global Services.

Smart mobile app

Start earning with MileagePlus

Get more ways to earn and use your miles and the most award destinations of any U.S. airline loyalty program.

Call booth

Download the United mobile app

From planning to booking and day of travel needs, we’ve got you covered with United’s award-winning app.

Smar devices

Match your status with MileagePlus

If you have elite status with another airline, we’ll match your status once you switch to MileagePlus®. 


Get automatic access to AJV Corporate Preferred

When you fly for United, Air Canada, and Lufthansa Group carriers and book through your company channels, you’ll receive VIP benefits. 


Take a Break From Business

Get up to 10% off your personal travel when you book on the United app or website by the end of this year. 

Pool your miles

Share unlimited miles that never expire among family and friends with MileagePlus miles pooling.

United Club

Get United Club passes

Relax before flights, treat yourself to complimentary snacks, and tap into high-speed Wi-Fi at a United Club.


Our new fleet

With United Next, we’re making our fleet bigger and better. Enjoy power at every seat to charge your devices, Wi-Fi on your plane to take important meetings, and more overhead bin space for your business trip essentials.


Need help with a current or upcoming trip?

Visit our help center to find the assistance you need.

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